How to Reduce Tummy Fat with Laparoscopy
Laparoscopic surgery
Laparoscopic surgery is performed for people who are obese. Obesity is the condition in which an organism put on extra body weight. His body accumulates extra fats that are damaging to his health and well-being. Nowadays obesity has become a major problem and causes many health issues. If the person is twenty percent more than his normal weight then he is termed as obese. The major portion where fat gathers in the abdomen region. This belly fat disturbs the body shape and lessens the beauty of the person.
This abnormal body fat is removed by a special surgical procedure known as laparoscopy. It is a less invasive surgery that helps people to lessen their body weight, reduce obesity and make them under normal weight. This procedure lessens the risk of other medical issues caused to obesity. This is a very effective procedure that is specially designed to reduce tummy fat. Many obese people are worried about their abdominal fat and do not know How to Reduce Tummy Fat with Laparoscopy so they should search and make themselves comfortable by having this procedure.
How is Laparoscopic Surgery Performed?
Many surgical procedures for weight loss have been performed for about 40 to 50 years. All procedures are popular but laparoscopy is the easiest and simple method for removing excess abdominal fat.
Laparoscopy is a procedure that is used for weight loss. In this procedure, the surgeon hides the upper part of the stomach using a specialized collar. This band forms a pouch-like structure that holds all the extra food. It gives you the feeling that there is no more capacity and you are full after eating a small amount of meal. This band can also be filled with distilled saline which shortens the outlet that is placed in the upper stomach and restricts the food from leaving it. There are many other surgical procedures for the removal of extra fats but it depends on the internal chemistry of the patient and his eating habits. Doctors prescribe the procedure that is suitable for the patient.
Who is an Ideal Candidate for Laparoscopic Surgery?
There are certain limitations to selecting the patient for this surgical method. These guidelines and limitations are illustrated below
- The disturbed metabolism or endocrine hormonal problems should not be the cause of obesity.
- The patient should cross the ideal body weight and should come in the obese category.
- As obesity leads to many health issues patients might be suffering from cardiovascular disorders, blood pressure other lung and body issues that can be cured by weight loss.
- The person should be knowing post-surgical risks and complications.
- The patient should have attempted all the medical procedures before going for this surgical process.
Benefits of Laparoscopic Obesity Surgery
Choosing among a variety of surgical processes involves the preference of a doctor and many other important factors. There are many benefits of laparoscopic surgery such as
- Lowers post-operative pain
- Reduces the time duration of hospital stay
- Curable and patients get quick recovery
- Fast return to work
- Improved and better cosmesis
What are the Results After Laparoscopic Surgery is Performed?
The success rate of laparoscopic surgery is seen as higher than other weight loss treatments such as vertical band gastroplasty, gastric bypass, malabsorption, and many more. This treatment reduces sixty to seventy percent of body mass and weight after a period of one year.
The results are surprising and the person feels weight loss. Moreover, obesity causes many health problems and disturbs the normal functioning of the body. It also affects sleep, and comfort which affects mental health also. This effective treatment for weight loss improves all health conditions and a person experiences good mental and physical health.
What Complications Can Be Faced?
There are some minor post-operative complications that are faced by the patient. But according to research, the death rate during this procedure is relatively very low. Some mild wound infections and breakdown can occur. The patient can also feel nausea, vomiting, bowel perforation, and breakage of staple lines. These problems are also very rare and if the patient is looked after properly there is no risk of these complications also.
The surgical process is quite sensitive and there are some precautionary measures that are to be followed after this procedure
- Do not eat hard solid food and food that is rich in calories after the procedure. Use liquid things that can be easily swallowed.
- Practice light exercises daily but avoid doing hard and vigorous exercises. This might break your staple pins and cause bleeding.
- Eat proper medicines as prescribed by the doctor daily. If you feel more pain then you can take a painkiller.
- Avoid drinking alcoholic and carbonated drinks. This is the main cause of health problems and weight gain.
- You should call and set up a proper follow-up within two to three weeks after the operation.
- Use disinfectant to clean the staple lines. This kills all the germs and saves from infections and reduces pain and inflammation.
Recovery Time
Recovery time for this surgical procedure is at least 1-2 weeks. The recovery of the patient also depends on the internal chemistry of the patient. You will be able to do mild activities after five days of the procedure. This procedure has less recovery time and it has long-term changes in weight loss. Few people gain weight after one year of this treatment but their ratio is very low. However, you must take care of your diet and have less intake of calories.
When to Contact your Doctor
This surgical procedure is safe and heals within a short time period. After coming back home you should go for a proper follow-up but if these symptoms appear more then consult your doctor as soon as possible. Be sure to see your doctor immediately when you have the following symptoms
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fever
- chills and cold
- Persistent cough
- Shortness of breath
- Bleeding
- Inflammation or swelling at the site of the operation
- Drainage of blood from the incision