How to remove the SIM card tray stuck in your smartphone

How to remove the SIM card tray stuck in your smartphone

How to remove the SIM card tray stuck in your smartphone

The SIM card and microSD card tray on your smartphone being trapped in the phone’s body is one of the main issues you might have. And that’s truer than it might appear.

Many of us have experienced this, yet we aren’t even aware of the causes. If the user is unable to install a carrier chip in the phone, it may be due to a design problem or incompetence on their part. In addition to that, you can check some important tips to keep in Mind When recycling Your Old Cell Phone.

In any event, we’ll explain why the SIM Card tray becomes stuck in the smartphone’s body in this post and show you how to fix it using the tools at your disposal.


Why does it happen?

Understanding how the issue arises is the first step towards resolving it, along with acknowledging its existence. The following are the main causes of a memory card tray sticking in your smartphone:

  • Incorrectly loaded cards or a tray.
  • The tray contains some debris or stuff.
  • A blow or drop has damaged this area of the phone.
  • Due to a drop, the SIM or microSD has fallen into the tray.
  • In the tray compartment, there is a lot of filth.

How to remove the SIM card tray without damaging anything


First, you should use the official tool included in the sales kit for your smartphone to try CALMLY removing the SIM Card tray. If it doesn’t work, there are a couple other options you can try that might, with the advantage that you won’t damage anything.





Using a paper clip as a substitute can be effective even without the eject key. The side effects are uniform. Cleaning the exterior region where the SIM Card tray is located is also important because there may be a little piece of outside debris obstructing the tray.

A small amount of pressure applied to the tray area with your palm from the outside can be helpful on occasion. This pressure may cause an item to be released if a small piece of it is stuck in a certain place of the slot.


You have to resort to drastic tactics that I don’t particularly advise as the last option. The only other option in this situation is to disassemble the complete smartphone, which is beyond the user’s reach.


To disassemble the phone, you won’t need any heavy or complicated tools, so keep that in mind. The process can be facilitated by a dryer, a cutter, and some spatulas. Even so, we reiterate the old warning: you proceed at your own risk, and we are not liable for any adverse results of the process.

Does the warranty cover everything you are doing?


When trying to remove a SIM Card tray that has become trapped in a smartphone, manufacturers often leave customers in the dark about warranty coverage. However, the warranty does not apply when this issue arises as a result of user error in the vast majority of instances.

Look up the warranty terms for your phone if you want to be confident of what the manufacturer believes. To remedy the issue, get specialised technical assistance if in doubt.

And yet, if the worst occurs, be ready to put your hand in your pocket. And think about whether it would be wiser to start considering a different phone.


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